With our Form 3 3D printer, we are able to create a wide variety of custom parts for your every need.
From clear to elastic, the wide variety of materials are tailored to the job requirements.
- Compatibility
- Can import both stl and obj file types
- We can import other 3d file types and convert if needed
- Printing resolution
- Build volume
- 5 x 14.5 x 18.5 (cm)
- 7 x 5.7 x 7.3 (in)
- Watertight printing ability
- Available materials, advantages, and lead times
- Clear
- Ability to see what is happening inside of part
- Advantage for seeing fluid movement through part
- Black, grey, white, color (available in any color)
- can be painted to desire color
- matte finish
- good for parts that will undergo other finishing techniques
- Grey Pro
- High precision for printing
- Low creep and medium elongation during use
- Advantage in functional parts that will be used in the field
- Rigid
- Advantage for parts requiring high stiffness and/or thin walls in design
- High heat resistance and stability, lower impact resistance
- High temperature
- Heat deflection temperature of 238o C
- Advantage for creating molds, inserts, heat resistant housings, mounts, and the handling of hot air, liquid, and other gases
- Flexible 80A
- Durometer finish of 80A
- Simulates rubber
- Advantages in creating handles, grips, overmolds, and intricate seals, gaskets, and masks that require details in 3-dimensions
- Elastic 50A
- Durometer finish of 50A
- Simulates silicone
- Advantages in repeated cycling of material, creating wearables, compressible items, and stretchable enclosures and casings
- Tough 1500, 2000
- Simulates ABS plastic
- Ideal for parts that require deflection and quick return to form
- Ideal use in tensile strength required and elongation
- Durable
- Ideal for parts requiring low friction, high impact, and squeezable
- Simulates the properties of polyethylene
- Pliable, high elongations, slow to spring back to original form